Sunday Stealing, The ABCs of Meme:
A- Advocate for:

Marriage equality.
B- Best Feature:
My lips.
C- Could do without:
My period.
D- Dreams and desires:
I want to be back in Idaho.
E- Essential items:
I go into anxiety attacks if I don't have some on me at all times.
F- Favorite past time:
G- Good at:
H- Have never tried:
Killing hookers.
I- If I had a million dollars:
Oh, the yarn I would buy....
J- Junkie for:
K- Kindred spirit:
L- Little known fact:
This is too hard. I put everything out there. I don't believe in "guilty pleasures" or the like. I'm very open and I am very proud of that fact, whether people agree with me or not.
'Nuff said.
N- Never again will I:
Try to make anything stretchy out of chenille
O- Occasional indulgence:
Jasmine #12 from Adagio. All I have is a stupidly expensive sample tin. It's mindblowingly gorgeous.
P- Profession:

Q- Quote:
-- Z-Man Barzell, Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls
R- Reason to smile:

S- Sorry about:
Potentially closing ranks & circling the wagons. If I can get away without doing it, I will.
Family stuff.
U- Uninterested in:
Ted Bundy
V- Very scared of:
The dark.
W- Worst habits:
Attention seeking behavior.
X- X marks my ideal vacation spot:
Y- Yummiest dessert:

B- Best Feature:

C- Could do without:

D- Dreams and desires:

E- Essential items:

F- Favorite past time:

G- Good at:

H- Have never tried:

I- If I had a million dollars:
J- Junkie for:

K- Kindred spirit:

L- Little known fact:

M- Memorable moment:

N- Never again will I:

O- Occasional indulgence:

P- Profession:

Q- Quote:

R- Reason to smile:

S- Sorry about:

T- Things you are worrying about right now:

U- Uninterested in:

V- Very scared of:

W- Worst habits:

X- X marks my ideal vacation spot:
Y- Yummiest dessert:

Z- Zodiac sign:

So much work ... but what a great list.