I don't. My name is Patience. I get platitudes. If I use Patience Ann, I get weirdly puncutated things about Anns.
Let's play anyway, with that and a few of my other various names, online & otherwise. I can't focus on my knitting right now. It's just not working for me at the moment. Perhaps it's the whole having-to-use-2-row-counters thing. Yeah. That kind of pattern. Sheesh. Could also be the fact that it's nearly bedtime & I've been running all day on 4 hours of sleep.
Anyway. Let's get our meme on.
Patience is...
- not easy. (if only that had been true in college...)
- rewarded in a thoroughly backhanded fashion.
- not my style.
- no longer being tested. (I wish)
- a free game of logic using dominos.
- an average North American woman on the edge. (heh.)
- wearing mourning clothes and I suspect the picture was taken to capture the wonderful handiwork of her outfit
- coming home to be married," she said in a tone of triumph.
- you to know that I'm waiting for you to share a moment of your time with me.
- to protect her daughter (Genevieve/Brenda) from the thorns of life. (I was unaware I had a dual-named daughter)
- everything instantly, but that's not the way God designed things. (alas)
- everyone to know that she thinks khaki is monumentally dull and wouldn't wear anything khaki even if it was the last item on the clothes rack
- to push and doesn't take the time to listen.
- the money and the bars.
- to buy you on Hotties for Sale. (Yes. Yes I do.)
- to keep her ex-lover's heart. (in a jar)
- to grow in you (I'm a parasite.)
- to flap it wings to bring freshness and a new presence i try not to run out of patience but i have learn't not to wait until it doesn't (LOLWUT)
Millarca is...
- a DJ. (I spin the phat beatz, yo)
- liked in Anarch circles, and the Creoles think she has potential.
- trying to work her way into Madame Marguerite's entourage. (that sounds hot.)
- not listening to anyone. (*LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOOOOOU*)
- a bit longer in the French version
- a character I used to level with Giotroll and Giza, brother and friend, when we rerolled on Khadgar. (again, I ask you: LOLWUT)
- an intersex writer, performer and poet
- a little bit younger than her, and is albino.
P'an is...
- a Chinese compass derived from the teachings of the I-Ching
- finite for some value »o of n (hence, by b, for all n ^ «v).
- non-empty
- a recognized business authority on the Pacific Rim (RECOGNIZE, BITCHES)
- a bowl containing the key to the mysteries of the universe. (Yes. This.)
- the probability of the existence of a knot-tube
- the pressure required to produce a given state of anesthesia (Oh god, I'm that boring??)
- the only way to get to a new, rich feeding ground.
- ara g:aúv: p:it:a hò. eks:i kñ el:O raðk n:hiø; es:fü y:ð b:dn:s:ib: n:hiø B:r s:kt:ð. g:øg:i ka ev:dÓaðhi edl: erv:aj:i p:ab:endy:aðø (I don't know about you, but I really feel that one is the most accurate)
- quite small.
- on a distinguished road
- not available for private Alchemy requests.
- scared of robots (YES. They are STOMPLY AND METAL AND OMG)
That'll do, pig. Back to the wristwarmers I go.
But not before I give you something for your eyes to chew on:

Ingrid is: 'getting ready for her annual holiday hop!'
ReplyDeleteInny is: 'a river in Ireland'
Well, I didn't know that til now...
re: Millarca, and the character on Khadgar.
ReplyDelete...Warcraft player.
More specifically, this Warcraft player: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Khadgar&n=Millarca
Suhweeeet, thanks hun!
ReplyDeleteMany Millarcas.
None are mine.