
Batman is the coolest thing ever invented.
I have loved Batman since birth, I mean, what family doesn't raise their kid with a rounded appreciation of the Bat? But the '89 Tim Burton movie solidified my love into a personality-forming-moment. I am a lot of who I am because of that film and how it (and Jack as the Joker)

Since then it's been an obsession.
Especially Mistah J.

Then they introduced Harley, who summed up all my feelings for that green haired sex god.

Then I married a man also batty for Mistah B-Man.

And our house is a dorkfest of Batstuff (and other geeky fandoms, but more Batman than anything else)

Then I got my Harley diamonds tattoo.

(Yeah, I took my pants off for you! LUCKY!)
I was up all night reading my Harley book that Weezie got me in Holland. I kept LOLLING & trying to stifle it so I wouldn't wake up aforementioned husband.
And it just gets better and better.
Batman: The Brave & The Bold is the most recent cartoon adaptation and it is FUCKING BRILLIANT. It's got the charm and self-aware-camp of the Adam West show, the inside jokes that nerds wet their panties over, and totally hot animation.

Also omg the musical episode with Neil Patrick Harris. TV GOLD.
What's next? Ok.
An arcane interest.
I'm not sure I have any. See..... In the age of the wiki.intarwebs dot //com dot website dot goatse, there's no such thing as arcane anymore.
So failing that, let's just google image search "arcane interest"

Ah, next on the list is Team Sticks.
That is what my cat, Tesla, has named herself. She is made of crazy sticks which occasionally serve her as legs. One morning she decided she wanted to be a team. A team of sticks. Team Sticks. Self-proclaimed. I love her more than life itself.
She was just a wee little 6 week old when we got her.

Here we are in the tub knitting and twittering.

She's got Betty Grable sticks.

I would kill for her.
Next suggested topic:
My New Shirts.
We totally realized today that the Kill Bill tshirts that came in our milliondy-years-old box sets would fit me now! I got 2 new free surprise shirts today! W00T!

Next on the list:
Errant Nose Hairs.
I, as yet, have not had any. However, my beloved is ever so old and hairy. Sometimes he gets some but they can generally be blended with his errant mustache hairs. Let's see if I can Kinnear some.

Nope, they seem to be tame today. Oh well. Now he's blinded & can't see to do the dishes. Lulz.
Pie, Zombies, Zombie Pie.
This is a pie I made for Weezie recently.

It was mostly cherry & a little peach.
It was delicious.
And this is my brother. He is FAIL at pie-cutting. WTF is that, dude??? That's one of my mom's carrot pies (you heard me) and he is failcutting it!!!

We are a family of zombies.

And as for zombie pie, here is a pie chart of zombies!

And the final twitter-suggested blog topic is:
How Great My Husband Is.
Guess who suggested that one.
My husband is so great that he is GRATE.
He is everything to me and he takes care of me when I wobble and he lets me take care of him when I need to be motherly, he tells me a bedtime story every night without fail, he can stand me, which nobody else ever has been able to do for long, relationship-wise. He makes me happy continuously. He is handsome, very finely bearded, has schmexy long hair, is HILARIOUSLY FUNNY and he draws me things.

I want to have like, ten thousand of his babies.

And then dress them up like Yoda and Elvis and dinosaurs.
He rescues caterpillars even though he is horrified of moths.

He is my life.

And this is his long-suffering, but still-loving face after me chasing him around with the camera all evening:

Now I'm gonna have pizza.
ReplyDeleteYou are tehawesomesauceness.
That was the best blog post ever! I love your man's drawings, also love Harley (although clowns scare my man, so that's a no-no for me), and am very jealous of your pie making skills both in the eating department and the chart department.
ReplyDeletea) hott legs
ReplyDeleteb) want pie now
c) you two are adorablz
What an awesome blog!
ReplyDeletegrl u rock! (y)