Mitts for SIL:

Capelet for MIL:

Convertible mittens for FIL:

Little wrist purse for GrandMIL:

Beardy hat for BIL:

Boat for Uncle-in-law:

And here's the fraction of the scarf for SIL's BF:

And the going-to-be-felted-and-filled-with-nip ball for Tessy:

And surprises for Weezie & my husband that you don't get to see until after they've received them, but they are both fucking acebest. Just hope none of the rest of the fam reads this. XD
I feel really kind of bad that my actual blood-fambly gets squat because I've had to focus on getting things done for people that will actually be there on Xmas morning to have something to open. But my mom & dad got stuff I made for their birthdays in Sept & Oct respectively, and I made my bro that Trilobite hat recently, too..... I *will* get to them, and my grama.... I feel bad, though.
Let's do a meme.
Unconscious Mutterings.
Word association.
- Up :: in the air
- Scram! :: cat!
- Smell :: coffee
- Belong :: family
- Doug :: awful cartoon
- Collar :: bell
- Squirrel :: "and they were married..." (we totes just watched Office Space)
- Chinese :: food
- Tracker :: gps
- Apartment :: highrise

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